Our sponsors:
Rules for authors
The abstract should be written in English. The text should be laid out for standard A4
(portrait format) paper. Font size should be 12pt, text font Times New Roman, width alignment, 1 line spacing.
The abstract text should not exeed 1 page A4 with fields of 2 cm. You can download the guidelines for abstract submission and the example of abstract here.
The abstract should be sent as an attached file by e-mail to Sibgatullina Guzel (invitro2013@gmail.com) until the 1st May, 2013. Only electronic versions of the abstracts are accepted. The abstracts will be reproduced without any editing.
The file should be titled: surname_inicials_abst (for instance: smith_a_t_abst).
If you send several abstracts, you must put the number after the last letter of title (for instance: smith _a_t_abst1 and smith_a_t_abst2).
All abstracts should be sent as separate files.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to decline incorrectly arranged abstracts and the ones which do not correspond to the topics of the conference.
We will send you e-mail message with the confirmation of admission or rejection of your abstracts in 15 days after receiving your abstracts.
If your abstract is accepted, you must pay the registration fee no later than June 1, 2013 to be included in the Conference presentation schedule.
Simultaneously with the publication of abstracts, we are planning to publish proceedings of the Conference.
Participants interested in publication of the article should send us both abstract and an article.
The article should be prepared in accordance to the rules of The Russian Journal of Plant Physiology and should not exceed 6 pages.
The file should be titled: surname_inicials_publ (for instance: smith_a_t_publ).
Publication charge for article is 10$ per page.